The St. Nicholas Market is a joy-filled answer to the common dilemma. What do you get the person who has everything?
The market is filled with unique gift ideas and donation opportunities designed to delight the recipient and help those less fortunate in our community, and beyond, experience better lives. Buying gifts or donating to the organizations on this site, you help build partnerships with people in need in Bell County and throughout the world.
Due to Covid-19 and social distancing, this year's market is virtual so everyone stays safe. You can shop from home in your PJs and find the perfect gift from the non-profits listed below.
There is a button to learn more or donate and donations are made directly to each organization. To visit the non-profit's website, click on the title.
Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response to human suffering in the world.
.For over 20 years, Thistle Farms has lit a pathway of healing and hope for women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction.
The Un-Included Club is a nonprofit dedicated to providing educational and mentoring opportunities for young children and teenagers.
In response to our love of Christ, Honduras Good Works ministers to the people of Honduras so they can break the cycle of poverty and alter the destiny of their country.
The gift shop is an outreach which supports the ministries of St. Frances Episcopal church and is staffed entirely by volunteers.
Donate to Christ Church's Clergy Discretionary Funds. The money is used to help community residents and parishioners in need.
Operation Feeding Temple is a non-profit organization that has a mission to assist area food pantries in Temple, Texas. Donations benefit individuals and families in need.
Every program offered is rooted in our passion to serve God by serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless.
Equip communities with sustainable tools that enable them to provide for themselves. Farm animals donation help reduce hunger and poverty.
Make a donation to The Episcopal Diocese of Texas to fund relief efforts and on-going projects in the Diocese.
Feed My Sheep is a Temple faith-based ministry for the homeless and needy of our community. We provide free hot meals, sack lunches seven days a week and other services.
Churches Touching Lives for Christ is an ecumenical organization of churches working with the support of area business and social service groups to meet basic human needs on a temporary and/or emergency basis.
United Way of Central Texas focuses on the four building blocks of life: Education, Financial Stability, Health and Basic Needs. A healthy community learns well, earns well, and lives well.
The organization empowers families experiencing homelessness to achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
J.A.I.L. Ministry, Inc., is a nonprofit jail ministry based in Belton, Texas. We have taken a special interest in the criminal justice system and conduct 45 Bible studies in the jail each week.